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Regulations with regard to the distribution of flyers, folders, etc. at TER-Events

On recommendation of the fire brigade and the general security, we have decided not to allow flyers, folders, etc. of other events to be distributed on events organized by us. This rule also applies for the distribution of flyers, folders, etc.  and placement on the table of exhibitioners.

The main reason for this is that folders, fallen on the ground, can pose a hazard for visitors.

It is, however, possible to place folders on tables specially reserved for this purpose. Of course after consulting the Ter organisation first.

Events that take place at the same time or in the same weekend as one of the events organized by us, will be removed. Even if it is only one event that is part of a collection flyer, folder, etc.

If the person in question does not coöperate or takes no notice of the above rules, the person or persons will be removed from the hall and all the promotional material will be destroyed. 

The organisation cannot be held accountable for the quality of the merchandise bought and sold and/or animals, neither for loss, theft , damage or injury during the entire event. Everything not covered by this rule and information, will be decided by the organisation. The organisation wishes everyone a pleasant Ter Event.